Saturday, May 18, 2013

Levi: Week 23 Summary

It's hard to believe this big boy is 5.5 months old! He is growing up way too fast. Here is a review of his 23rd week!

Oh boy, this week sure was interesting when it came to feeding Levi! He was still as distracted as last week with nursing and he still hated my nursing cover just as much. Toward the end of the week, he would not eat for more than 20 minutes at a time. But most of the time, he made it at least 2.5 hours until his next feeding, so I guess this is just his new thing? I'm not sure if my milk just started miraculously flowing faster this week or if he just learned to suck more efficiently or if he was just more full than usual because he started solids, but he absolutely refused to eat any longer than that.

We also started baby-wed leaning this week and boy, was that fun! The first and second days, I gave Levi half of a banana; the third day I gave him 1/3 of an avocado; the fourth day, half a banana and a large strawberry; and the fifth day, another 1/3 of an avocado. It was extremely fun and extremely messy!! I learned the hard way on day one to just strip him down to his diaper so that I could just stick him straight in the tub afterwards. I could definitely see slight improvement day after day with him being able to pick up the food and bring it to his mouth. Sometimes, I would need to help him out by putting the piece of food in his mouth and showing his hands how to hold it there...but I think he started making the connection.

Levi napped about the same as last week--which is a good thing! I kept his first wake time about an hour long and all his wake times after that were about one hour and fifteen minutes. He did have occasional trouble falling asleep, but he didn't cry too much all week. Usually, at most, he would lay there and talk for about 30 minutes or so, but that still gave him a good hour to nap, so I wasn't too worried about it.

He is doing well without being swaddled at nap time and is still loving his thumb!

Nothing much has changed in the area of wake time this week! He seemed to really enjoy his floor gym this week (more than ever). A friend also gave us a jumper that hangs from the door frame for free, so he tried that for the first time! He kind of just twirled all around in it, which was funny, and it keeps him occupied while I do laundry, which is super nice :)

Oh man, I'm not sure what happened this week regarding Levi's sleeping at night. So many things changed this week for him, so I think that really impacted him sleeping through the night. I finally dropped his swaddle at night (he just kept breaking through it anyway), he is working on rolling over, and he also started solids, so 5 of the 7 nights he woke anywhere between 1:30 and 3:30 AM. I thought he might have been constipated for a few days and he might have been cold without a blanket in his crib--but even once he finally pooped and I bought him a SleepSack to keep him warm, he still woke in the night. So I'm not sure what's up! Here's to a new week ahead!

Mother's Day was this past Sunday and it was so wonderful to spend it with Brian and Levi! It was a very relaxing and enjoyable day.

Levi and I also walked down to our garden a few times this week to water. He really seems to enjoy that--just walking around outside. One day, the weather was so nice, that I thought he might like to lay on a blanket outside to look up at the trees and the sky. Nope. He hated that. As soon as I laid him down, he started screaming! I think it was just too unfamiliar to him. Maybe we'll try it again this week!

That's all for this week! I've added some fun pictures of Levi below trying out his new foods.

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